
Initiated in 2021 by Dr. Chien-Huei Wu (the then-convenor of the U.S.-Taiwan-China Relations Thematic Research Group in the Institute of European and American Studies (IEAS), Academia Sinica) in collaboration with Dr. Hsin-Hsin Pan and Dr. Wen-Chin Wu, "American Portrait" is a Taiwan-based survey that investigates the public's perception of the United States and China and draws conclusions that challenge the conventional wisdom. "American Portrait" received financial support from IEAS, Academia Sinica in 2022 and expanded its team to include Dr. James Lee when he joined the IEAS in that year. This project envisions a ten-year timeline and will conduct an annual survey until 2030, measuring Taiwanese perceptions of the United States and China as well as their support for major US policies toward Taiwan.

American Portrait Survey

2021 Questionnaire | 2021.09.25-30| n=1210 | (Technical Report: CN)
2022 Questionnaire | 2022.11.15-20 | n=1234 | (Technical Report: CN)

2023 Questionnaire | 2023.09.14-19| n=1211 | (Technical Report: CN)
2024 Questionnaire | 2023.05.23-28 | n=1236 (Technical Report: CN)

When citing, please indicate the source as "American Portrait Survey, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica" 

American Portrait Survey Database

Publication of Books 

Le Rubicon (2024),  Indo-Pacifique:Region Strategique, Le Rubicon. 


Lee, James. "A Vision Is Not a Strategy." In Defining Success: Does the United States Need an 'End State' for Its China Policy? edited by Jude Blanchette and Lily McElwee, 63-66. Washington, DC: Freeman Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2024.

Publication of News

Yuan-Ting Yang, "Academia Sinica Survey: Only 9.4% of Taiwanese People View China As A Credible State," Liberty TimesI, January 12, 2023.

An Yang, "Taiwanese People Are Ambivalent Towards the United States? Observers Point Out: The CCP Manipulates the "U.S. Skepticism" Narrative," Voa Cantonese, January 26, 2023.

Joyce Yen, "Ukrainianize Taiwan? The wisest and most foolish operation of "US Skepticism," Common Wealth Magazine, February 7, 2023.

Lu Jia hong, "What Taiwan's Foreign Minister's First Visit to AIT Headquarters Means After Nearly Half a Century since the US Broke Off Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan," BBC News, February 27, 2023.

Kathrin Hille, "Tsai Ing-wen's US Trip: The Deepening Political Divide in Taiwan," Financial Times, May 05, 2023.

Kuang-shun Yang, "The Roots of Taiwanese Skepticism of American Commitment," The National Interest, September 02, 2023.

Kuang-shun Yang, "The Root of US Skepticism," Up Media, September 06, 2023.

William Yang, "Taiwanese Divided on US Military Sales Amid Growing Chinese Threats," Voice of America English News, September 06, 2023.

The Economist, "China is Flooding Taiwan with Disinformation," The Economist, September 26, 2023.

James Lee, Ja Ian Chong, Hsin-Hsin Pan, Chien-Huei Wu et Wen-Chin Wu, "Les risques liés à l'ambiguïté : l'opinion publique taïwanaise, la crédibilité des États-Unis et l'efficacité de la dissuasion (English translation: The Risks of Ambiguity: Taiwanese Public Opinion, US Credibility, and effectiveness of Deterrence)," Le Rubicon, Octoboer 25, 2023.

James Lee, Ja Ian Chong, Hsin-Hsin Pan, Chien-Huei Wu et Wen-Chin Wu, "The Risks of Ambiguity: Taiwanese Public Opinion, US Credibility, and Effective Deterrence," Le Rubicon, November 6, 2023.

Tessa Wong, "Taiwan election: China sows doubt about US with disinformation," BBC,  January 7, 2024.

Damien Cave, "China Failed to Sway Taiwan's Election. What Happens Now?", New York Times, January 13, 2024.

News Interview 

Interview with the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, 2023, Dispatch from Taiwan: Taiwanese Views on U.S. Policy, 01/30/2023.

Newsday (7:00 AM and 8:00 AM National Standard Time), BBC World News, 04/06/2023.


Initiated in 2021 by Dr. Chien-Huei Wu (the-then convenor of the U.S.-Taiwan-China Relations Thematic Research Group in the Institute of European and American Studies, IEAS, Academia Sinica) in collaboration with Dr. James Lee (IEAS, Academia Sinica), Dr. Wen-Chin Wu (IPSAS, Academia Sinica) and Dr. Hsin-Hsin Pan (Department of Sociology, Soochow...

Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica

No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan.
